The Brisbane Lions and Gold Coast Suns' AFL players will be required to have the flu shot.
Queensland's chief health officer has made a 'no jab, no play' policy that requires the state to order all professional athletes to take the vaccine if they want to play and train with their clubs.
Although it is not compulsory by the AFL itself, the state though has made a firm stance on the situation with chief health officer saying if the players do not get the injection then they can not train or play with the club.
Gold Coast chief executive Mark Evans said the player's do not have an issue with the vaccination.
"We've been working very hard with the AFL to make sure that we comply with all of the directions of each jurisdiction," Evans told reporters.
"Here in Queensland we've been following the chief health minister's advice and all of our players so far have had their flu shot.
"I think there might be a couple still to go - some players that were in Victoria that have returned here missed that initial time frame but that should be done by the end of (Wednesday)."