The West Coast Eagles have confirmed that Jeremy McGovern remained in hospital overnight with broken ribs after an on field collision during Saturday's loss to Geelong, expecting the 30-year-old to be released on Monday.

McGovern was collected by Geelong's Jeremy Cameron during the second term of the 18-point loss, subbed out of the game and on his way to hospital before the main break.

After the match, Eagles coach Adam Simpson speculated that the key defender had broken his ribs, but didn't rule out a potential return in Round 15.

โ€œI think itโ€™s just ribs at the moment, so just precautionary. Just get a scan, see how bad it is," Simpson said post-game.

โ€œBut it looks like itโ€™s a pretty big knock to the ribs.

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โ€œYou go to hospital, theyโ€™re probably broken. Broken, fractured, thereโ€™s not a lot of difference to be honest, theyโ€™re bloody sore.

โ€œHopefully heโ€™s OK and heโ€™s right to go next week. A lot of guys play with broken or fractured ribs. Heโ€™s done it plenty of times before, but it looked like a pretty bad one.โ€

โ€œHeโ€™s had plenty of knocks over his time and heโ€™s pretty brave. He plays hurt all the time. So, for him not to get up like that, heโ€™s pretty sore.โ€

The 30-year-old played through West Coast's 2018 grand final win with broken ribs, but faces just a six-day turnaround to be right for the Eagles' Round 15 match against Essendon.