AFL CEO Gillon McLachlan has reiterated the league's position on a proposed new stadium in Hobart despite unrest within Tasmania's parliament over the funding of the waterfront construction.

Tasmanian premier Jeremy Rockliff has found himself leading a minority government after Liberal MPs Lara Alexander and John Tucker quit the party in the wake of the funding news, with the Tasmanian government to contribute $375 million to the new stadium.

The Tasmanian opposition have stated their desire to see the project scrapped, while thousands protested outside of the state parliament on the weekend to voice their opposition.

Despite the ongoing debate, McLachlan remained unconcerned over the project while speaking on Tuesday.

"I just think that this is an incredibly important moment for Tasmania and Tasmanian football," McLachlan said.

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"If you want an AFL team, it comes with a stadium and people have had their views about that, but it's now funded.

"It is something that comes together, you can't have one without the other.

"It's actually now a moment that will actually change Tasmania."

The AFL was clear throughout the process of approving the 19th license that a new stadium was a requirement, with McLachlan reminding those in opposition to the project of the benefits it will bring.

“The people who are not convinced of that, again I will refer you to Adelaide Oval and South Australia, I'll refer you to Optus Stadium and Perth,” he said.

"It's easy to oppose things, it's easy to point to alternate uses of capital.

"But actually the business case around this about tourism, construction, economic impact, pride.

"But in the end, I think Tasmania wants an AFL team.

"The deal is funded, and I'll let the politics play out day-to-day.

"Absolutely it's reasonable for individuals and others to have their views."


  1. The same group of people protest on everything down here, they don’t speak for me or the thousands of others that want a team.
    Using the excuse, the money could go on health etc, is plain naive, the government won’t spend that much on health, they don’t even care about us lol

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