Former Carlton and Richmond footballer Chris Yarran has been charged with assault and obstruction following a number of car crashes that took place across Perth on Friday night, according to

Police allege Yarran stole a car, crashed it into another vehicle before fleeing the scene, then stole another car before fleeing that one before he was taken into custody by police later that night.

Once police had apprehended Yarran, he was taken to Royal Perth Hospital for treatment, and was injured during the incident, but not too seriously.

Police will allege Yarran was in a car with someone known to him, before threatening the driver and taking off with the vehicle, and incident that occurred at around 7.30pm.

Approximately an hour later, Yarran crashed the car into another vehicle, causing both cars to spin out in take out another car.

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While other people came to the aid of those in the car, police allege Yarran was attempting to take the vehicles of the concerned onlookers, although he did not succeed in his attempts.

Yarran then allegedly assaulted a man and took his vehicle, before parking it on Hill Street in Perth.

He then left and ran to Adelaide Terrace, before being apprehended by police.

During the bedside hearing on Saturday morning, Yarran was granted bail and will now reappear in court on November 20.